If you’re not using Vivius, you don’t know what you’re missing™.

Vivius works with hospitals and Revenue Cycle Management companies to identify opportunities to collect past-due hospital receivables by identifying pending lawsuits against which a Hospital Lien can be filed.

Whereas traditional collection methods focus on the patient’s current ability to pay a bill, Vivius believes that a pending lawsuit is an asset of the patient and that knowledge of this illiquid pending asset is very valuable to a hospital with an unpaid hospital bill.

Vivius has built one of the world’s largest actionable databases of litigation information, and the only large-scale database which has been optimized for identifying lawsuits against which a Hospital Lien can be filed. Our litigation data has nationwide coverage and includes 100% of cases in Federal Courts, and over 90% in State Courts.  Our patented proprietary products use our sophisticated Docket Analytics™to Match our proprietary litigation data with a customer’s database of individual patients with unpaid hospital bills.  We can identify which of your patients have a pending lawsuit against which you can file a Hospital Lien (or take other, similar action in states which do not have Hospital Lien laws).  Once a Hospital Lien is filed, all of the parties to the lawsuit (plaintiff, defendant, and their attorneys) are legally required to satisfy the unpaid hospital bill from the proceeds of the settlement/judgment.

Vivius acts as a second-pass, so you only pay us to find what your traditional methods didn’t collect.  Vivius strictly identifies the payment opportunities, then reports our Matches back to you or your Revenue Cycle Management, so that you can investigate them, file the lien, and collect what is due to you.

Vivius provides a similar service to the health insurance industry, where we act as a utility to most of the industry.  Vivius technology currently touches the lives of over 200 Million people and analyzes over $1 Trillion of accounts for our clients.  Vivius has identified over $5 Billion of Matches that were not identified by our clients and which warranted investigation.

Vivius is highly efficient at analyzing large volumes of data, and is most productive in analyzing accounts receivable which are at least 9 months past due, for which you have exhausted most of your collection opportunities and for which sufficient time has passed for a lawsuit to have been filed.

Please contact us for more information as to how Vivius can help improve your financial results.

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