
If you’re not using Vivius, you don’t know what you’re missing™.

Vivius’ wholly owned subsidiary, Recovery Data Connect, L.L.C™, works with Health Insurers and subrogation service companies to identify subrogation recovery opportunities that are not identified by traditional methodologies.

Whereas traditional methods strictly analyze claims data and do not usually use litigation data to identify insureds to contact, we have built one of the world’s largest actionable databases of litigation information, and the only large-scale litigation database which has been optimized for identifying subrogation opportunities. Our litigation data has nationwide coverage and includes 100% of cases in Federal Courts, and over 90% in State Courts.  Our patented proprietary products use our sophisticated Docket Analytics™ to Match our proprietary litigation data with a customer’s database of individual insureds.  We can identify which of your insureds have a pending lawsuit from which you can recover your claim payments via subrogation.

We act as a second-pass, so you only pay us to find what your traditional methods didn’t find.  We strictly identify subrogation recovery opportunities, then report our Matches back to you, so that you can investigate and collect them.


Medical Malpractice is a common example of the type of recovery opportunity which is often overlooked by the traditional Health Insurance subrogation methodology, because there is no “pattern” that would indicate which insured might have a lawsuit.  In this example, if two people each had a chest x-ray in 2010 and were told that their lungs did not indicate any problems, but both were later diagnosed with lung cancer in 2012 and each received identical treatments resulting in the exact same medical bills and procedures.  Upon a later review, the first person later discovered that their 2010 chest x-ray was not fine, and they sue their Radiologist for Malpractice (Failure to Diagnose), but upon a later review the second person’s 2010 x-ray was confirmed as having no such indication in 2010.  Since both of these two people had identical medical bills and procedures, there would be no way to use the claim data to determine which of them has a pending Medical Malpractice lawsuit, and it would be impractical and undesirable to contact every person with lung cancer to ask if they happen to have a Medical Malpractice lawsuit.  Our Docket Analytics™ methodology is the best way to systematically identify this recovery opportunity, because instead of identifying “patterns”, Vivius Matches the medical bills to pending lawsuits.  Traditional subrogation methods cannot identify a pattern where none exists.

We currently analyze paid claims data for over 200 Million insureds and over $1 Trillion of our clients’ paid claims.  We act as a utility to the Health Insurance industry, where we have identified over $5 Billion of Matches that were not identified by our clients and which warranted investigation.

We are highly efficient at analyzing large volumes of data.

Please contact us for more information as to how we can help improve your financial results.

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